Bee's SmallWeb Journey, Ep.1

in which star explores the small web and share's what star finds!

I have been exploring the small web recently, and i wanted to share my journey because an important aspect of both the old and small web is linking to other sites!, A personal site of one Erich Friedman, he does a lot of different things and they are all things he is interested in. you may have heard it from his shape packing page!, A small web search engine! a big part of my current small web exploration, A website that teaches you a bunch of tech tools and in a bunch of languages, While not exactly a small web site, and is relatively well known, it hosts a lot of sites that are on the small web and does so for free! on of the most important sites of the current internet imo., Again a well known small-web site, it has a bunch of different little games but my personal favorite page is his exploration of dark patterns!, In the same vein as neils dark patterns page, this explores how bloated the main web has become, and my experience seeing the mainweb become what it is, is why small web is important to me!

if you want to join the small web, i suggest making a website on neocities, and making it by hand. i find the joy in creating websites is the same in painting, sure i could have a computer do it for me but the process is as important as the result for me! I plan to eventually make a guide in a style that i think actually works, giving you the pieces rather then step by step, because i feel a lot of people learn when they can play. However until such day, i suggest - HTML Basics for learning how to create html, - Getting Started With CSS for learning css, and - Step by Step Tutorial for learning how to more easily create something such as a blog.

If you need help im more then happy to answer emails at!
