Absolute Paths, Absolute Madness
Don't forget about them
So. our story begins last month when i moved servers.
i didn't set up a backup script because i felt that it was unnecessary as i had server backups enabled. Easy!
Until last week that is, when during a change to how i store what date a post was created on, i accidentally made everything on the same day.
why does sed change the creation date metadata anyway‽‽
I quickly found out that server backups are just images, snapshots, of the server, meaning I'd have to loose the last 24 hours of data from stuff like myfriendsare.gay which was a no go for me.
So. that absolutely sucked, luckily i had a partial backup in the form of the original images for my art. so i managed to automate the restoral of that for the most part, excluding about the previous two weeks.
After that, i decided to set up the amazing Backup Script!
I think it was a clever script;
#! /bin/bash
# Make Backups
tar -cvzf "./beefox.xyz/beefox-xyz-$(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S").tar.gz" -C /root/beefox.xyz/ ./static/files/ ./SitePosts/ ./webMentio
ns && echo -e "\e[1m\e[38;2;238;170;102mFinished Site Backup\e[0m" &
sudo -u postgres pg_dumpall -v | gzip -9 > "./postgres/postgres-$(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S").gz" && echo -e "\e[1m\e[38;2;238;170;102
mFinished Postgres Backup\e[0m" &
mongodump --gzip --archive="./mongodb/mongo-$(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S").gz" && echo -e "\e[1m\e[38;2;238;170;102mFinished Mongo Back
up\e[0m" &
wait ${T1}
wait ${T2}
wait ${T3}
echo -e "\e[1m\e[38;2;238;170;102mFinished All Backups\e[0m"
# Rsync
rsync --progress -e 'ssh -p23' --recursive . uXXXXXX@uXXXXXX.your-storagebox.de:buddyBackups/
echo -e "\e[1m\e[38;2;238;170;102mFinished Syncing\e[0m"
# Del Older then week
find * -mtime +7 -not -type d -not -name *.sh -exec rm {} \;
echo -e "\e[1m\e[38;2;238;170;102mRemoved Local Backups Older Then One Week\e[0m"
i set this to run at 4am my time every day, using chron.
The keen eyed among you have probably already spotted the problem.
At 4am 5 things happened.
This site was backed up
My postgres database was backed up
My mongo database was backed up
All going perfectly! but then
- All Files In My Home Directory Were Uploaded
That's ok, just a bit of clean up, no worries.
- All Files, Older Then A Week, In My Home Directory Were Deleted.
Yeah. That happened.
Due to the fact that i had used relative paths in a lot of places, not only where files all over the place, but when it deleted the old backups, it deleted all files because * ran in home (~
), instead of in ~/backups
Luckily, as you can see in the order of events, i did have backups to restore everything.
Well, almost everything, i did have to rewrite my .env files. But that was ok.
I updated the script to use absolute paths. Let my story of my fall be your warning when you are doing something like this yourself.
Be Warned.